
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Write A Catchy Djent Metal Part For Your Song


Do You Need Djent?

I aim to provide high quality metal guitar tracks for a wide variety of contexts, depending on what you need for your project. Whether you're creating an electronic track that needs some riffage to break it up, or if you're writing a fully blown djent track then I am here to bring your project to life.

Weird rhythmic syncopations and dissonance are characteristic of the "djent" sound, however making a convincing riff isn't as easy as just throwing a few dodgy notes together, it has to match the context; If you have any original material you can included to provide a frame of reference then I can guarantee the best results.

I can promise high quality guitar tones and track quality as I use a Kemper profiling amp directly plugged into my audio interface.

Not only are the tones guaranteed to be great but because of the flexibility of this setup if you would like me to model the sound of another guitarist then it isn't an issue.

In Summary

  1. Choose a guitar tone you like (if applicable)
  2. Send me what you have so far

  3. Explain to me your vision

  4. ???

  5. Receive tracks with suitable amounts of djenty goodness

Please contact me if you're curious about anything :)


: : : : :

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