
Saturday, September 5, 2020

Create A Drum Track For Your Song


Want to get a Track Recorded?

Your Track can be recorded on either an Electric Kit or an Acoustic Kit!

All Tracks will be recorded in a state of the art studio!


Electric - Roland TD - 50 KV - Any sound needed can be programmed and the files can be sent as either a audio file or midi.

Acoustic - Sonor Force 2007 - Evans Drum Heads - TRX Cymbals - Cympad Chromatics - All Shure Microphones ( 7 mics ) - Empire Ears - Logic Pro X 

If Video is needed - Video will be recorded in 1080 or 4K with Go Pro Hero 6

What experience do I have ?

Throughout my career I have got the chance to work with some incredible Musicians and over the past few years I have recorded Tracks and Eps for different artists!

If you want to find out more about my work head over to my website : Dylanmccormickmoran.com


: : : : :

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