
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Record Dreamy Electric Guitar For Your Song


Hello, and thank you for checking out my gig! I'm Talia and I've been playing the guitar for over ten years and producing my own guitar music for several years as well.

In this gig, I will create a melodic chord progression for your track. Power chords can get quite boring, honestly. Let's spice things up with lush, exotic arpeggios and chords, shall we? I will provide both wet and dry versions of the audio clip for your use.

I record with the Line 6 POD UX2 interface straight into Propellerhead Reason. I have a broad range of special effects available to me through those two tools. 

I do NOT provide any of the following:

  • covers
  • mixing
  • mastering

At this time, I'm best at playing time signatures like 4/4, 3/4, and 5/4. So if your song is in another time signature, you may want to get in touch with a different seller.

Make sure to include any relevant song files (vocals, keys, etc.) in your order if this riff is for a song that's already in the works. Having context to play in really helps me find the right tone and progression.

Place your order now! I look forward to contributing to your project. :)


: : : : :

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